He has been a frequent judge in prestigious international nature photography competitions such as Wildlife Photographer of the Year, European Nature Photographer of the Year, Glanzlichter, and Nordic Nature Photo Contest.
Geidemark has hosted numerous exhibitions across the Nordic region and was the founder and curator of the Naturfotografiska gallery in Hallstahammar. In 2024, he launched the “Naturfotofestivalen i Surahammar” (Surahammar Nature Photo Festival), along with Sweden’s largest individual nature photography competition, the Svensk Naturfototävling, which crowns the Swedish Nature Photography Champion.
Anders has produced four books (handling images, text, and design): Stigen ur hav – av vingar skuggad (1995), Allen – Bilder av ljus och mörk ensamhet (2004), Naturfotografens Väg (2018), and Strömsholms Kanal (2021). He has also contributed to several other publications. In 1995, he helped relaunch the magazine Camera Natura and served as its photo editor and layout designer for five years. For a period, he was also the Swedish editor for the Nordic magazine Natur&Foto.
Anders enjoys blending different artistic expressions in book and slideshow productions and is a regular guest lecturer at photography schools across the Nordic countries.
He is a member of Föreningen Naturfotograferna/N (The Association of Nature Photographers in Sweden) and served as its chairman for a few years.